When you’ve got a headache that you just can’t shake, it’s time to call your College Park Chiropractor. We’ve got the experience, expertise, and facilities that can bring you the best treatment for your pain that you’ve ever received, and bring you the relief that you crave.
Why choose AICA College Park? There are a lot of reasons. One of the tops is that if you’ve been in an accident, are injured and want comprehensive treatment; we can get you everything that you need in our network – an extensive team of Chiropractors, orthopedists, physical therapists and technicians who are at the leading edge of wellness throughout greater College Park. Not only do we get you the best in after accident care, but we can provide you with comprehensive medical help that accounts for your case. So if you’re injured, we charge the at-fault insurance company.
Auto accidents are the leading cause of neck injuries for our patients. Having your neck subjected to a sudden force that causes it to lunge in multiple directions is why Whiplash is so prevalent among car accident victims. This type of force is common among accident victims who are involved in rear-end and side collisions.
For some patients, the source of their neck pain is connected to a spinal condition caused by consistent exposure to pressure and stress. For those who are overweight or work in professions that cause them to lean forward (e.g. sitting at a desk all day, while working on a computer), various degenerative disorders can develop over time, causing significant discomfort.
Growing older in itself can cause neck complications that range from spinal stenosis to osteoarthritis. Joint disorders like osteoarthritis affect your cartilage, causing it to wear thin over time and forcing your bones to rub against each other.
If you injure your neck or suffer from chronic pain, contact our College Park Chiropractors to learn more about your treatment options. We are the community’s most experienced accident treatment center with over 20 years of experience helping patients throughout College Park recover from various neck conditions. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (404) 592-0319.