Chronic Pain | Dec 9, 2016

Reduce Personal Stress In Order To Avoid Chronic Neck Pain

Stress and tension can naturally accumulate within your body over time. Whether stress appears in the form of a headache or develops into muscle tension, your mental health has a direct impact on your body.

Chiropractic | Dec 7, 2016

Getting a Chiropractic Adjustment before Working Out

This common question might cause some confusion among patients, but there is an easy way to look at it. “Do I need to get an adjustment before or after my workout?” Based on our experience supporting patients throughout the community, the Chiropractors at AICA College Park believe you should get…

Health Care | Dec 5, 2016

Stay Healthy While Traveling During the Holiday Season

For many people, the holidays are a time for traveling and visiting loved ones. It is also a time where millions of Americans catch some cold or flu.

Health Care | Dec 1, 2016

College Park Chiropractic Care for Crohn’s Disease

The first week of December is recognized as National Crohn's and Colitis Awareness Week. According to the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, more than 1.4 million Americans suffer from inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which causes severe inflammation in the lining of the digestive tract. Though most people who suffer from…

Chiropractic | Nov 30, 2016

Why Chiropractic Care Matters: Treating High-Blood Pressure

One-third of the adult population, about 70 million Americans, have hypertension (high blood pressure). Also, one-third of Americans has pre-hypertension, which means greater than normal blood pressure. Even more alarming: 1 in 5 adults with high blood pressure are unaware they have it because typically there are no symptoms associated…

Health Care | Nov 27, 2016

Understanding the Relationship Between Fat and Stress

Despite what you may believe, fats are not completely bad for your system. There are particular types of fats that are considered to be good for your body since they have the ability to stimulate energy, protect vital organs, and help keep your body warm. Check out the following information…

Health Care | Nov 24, 2016

How Apple Cider Vinegar Helps Prevent Sickness and Supports Type 2 Diabetics

The Chiropractors at AICA College Park provide patients with services that go beyond treating physical pain. Our mission is to offer each and every patient specific Chiropractic treatment solutions that provide immediate pain relief and support their overall health. Since we are discussing cold and flu prevention this month, we…

Chiropractic | Nov 22, 2016

Why You Shouldn’t Cancel Your Chiropractic Appointment When You’re Sick

If you are sick and are thinking about canceling your Chiropractic appointment with AICA College Park, think again. Coming in to meet with your Chiropractor is much more conducive to achieving positive health than staying at home. Consider the following information that explains why you should receive a Chiropractic Adjustment if you…

Chiropractic | Nov 17, 2016

College Park Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Can Find Help With Chiropractic

If you are new to the world of Chiropractic treatment and aren't sure what the Chiropractors at AICA College Park do beyond treating back pain, you may be surprised to know that our treatment solutions can help people with type 2 diabetes. Chiropractic Care for Type 2 Diabetes Although Chiropractic…

Chiropractic | Nov 15, 2016

Three Chiropractic Tips For Flu Prevention

The 2016-2017 cold and flu season started early this year according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), with new cases opening up every day throughout College Park and the greater Atlanta community. Considering how easily the flu virus can transfer from one host to another, it's no wonder that…


Health Care | Nov 10, 2016

Use Chiropractic Care in College Park to Avoid Getting Sick This Winter

The Chiropractors at AICA College Park treat hundreds of patients each year who suffer from symptoms associated with the common cold. The germs and bacteria that cause cold-like symptoms easily transfer from one host to another; making it easy for people to get sick based on a brief to extended…

Health Care | Nov 8, 2016

Chiropractic Treatment Near College Park For Stress Management

Stress is a natural part of life regardless of who you are, where you come from, or what you do for a living. Several types of stress exist, and all of them affect how you feel and how well you can perform throughout the day. If you are stressed out…

Chiropractic | Nov 1, 2016

AICA College Park’s Chiropractors Celebrate National Diabetes Awareness

November is not just about eating delicious turkey with your family; it also serves as a reminder for diabetes prevention and management. Because of this, the Chiropractors at AICA College Park are offering critical advice on how to prevent and manage diabetes, specifically for those who suffer from type 2.…

Chiropractic | Oct 24, 2016

Why Chiropractic Care Is More Cost Effective Than Medical Care

Consumers throughout College Park deserve better options when it comes to pain relief and health management. Someone who visits a medical office in College Park for chronic pain can quickly become dependent on the medication they receive, especially considering how frequently opioids are prescribed. Even more, the costs associated with…

Chiropractic | Oct 17, 2016

Improve Blood Circulation with Chiropractic Care in College Park

If your hands and feet are tingling, cold, or numb on a regular basis, it could be the result of a prior injury. The Chiropractors at AICA College Park treat hundreds of patients who experienced some fall or accident years ago, and the pain is only catching up to them…

Chiropractic | Oct 10, 2016

10 Signs That It’s Time To Visit Your College Park Chiropractor

If you are currently suffering from any ongoing pain, it may be time to visit your local College Park Chiropractor. Our Chiropractors treat patients who suffer from acute and chronic pain that varies from dull to severe. And, although most people do not consider Chiropractic top-of-mind when scheduling a doctor's appointment, regular Chiropractic…

Chiropractic | Oct 3, 2016

AICA College Park Celebrates National Chiropractic Health Month

This October, doctors of Chiropractic across the nation will promote public awareness around the availability of drug-free options for pain management as part of National Chiropractic Health Month. The campaign serves as a statement against the overuse and abuse of opioids throughout the United States. As a way to centralize our…

Health Care | Sep 26, 2016

Chiropractic Care Supports Emotional Health & Positive Body Image

The concept of emotional health for women throughout College Park is just as important as physical. Medical studies show a direct correlation between a healthy mind and healthy body with personal image serving as one of the most influential factors that to contribute to this state.

Health Care | Sep 19, 2016

Breast Cancer Prevention and Chiropractic Care

Although September is almost over, the Chiropractors at AICA College Park are still celebrating National Women's Health & Fitness Awareness by offering preventative support around conditions that primarily affect females throughout Atlanta. Today, we decided to discuss breast cancer prevention. Breast Cancer Prevention One in eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer…

Chiropractic, Under the Influence | Sep 12, 2016

National Women’s Health Awareness: Chiropractic Care Helps Address Infertility

Our College Park Chiropractors treat hundreds of women each year for a variety of reasons, including issues with fertility. According to some studies offered by the Journal of Vertebral Subluxations Research, Chiropractic Adjustments may be an effective solution for addressing nerve interferences caused by spinal distortions. The results of these…

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