Stress and tension can naturally accumulate within your body over time.
Whether stress appears in the form of a headache or develops into muscle tension, your mental health has a direct impact on your body.
Stress-Induced Neck Pain
One specific area of your body that tends to hold a significant amount of stress and tension is your neck. Your neck can easily become the epicenter for pain and discomfort when you are exposed to excessive amounts of stress for prolonged periods.
Stress-induced neck pain is referred to as pain that is caused by or heightened by mental or emotional considerations.
An example of this is if your neck becomes injured and the surrounding muscles are strained. The pain you experience may last several weeks because of the type of environmental stress you experience throughout your day.
Many medical researchers believe that stress-induced neck pain is caused by physical elements that take place in the trapezius muscles, which extend from the back of your neck to your shoulders. Other experts cite that there is no direct connection between neck pain and muscle fatigue.
What the Chiropractors at AICA College Park do understand is that neck pain is directly correlated with perceived/personal stress.
Eliminate Neck Pain Caused By Stress
Consider the following ways you can treat your mind and body in order to reduce the type of stress you experience that affects your physical health.
Chiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic therapy is proven to reduce tension and support your body’s natural ability to heal itself from the effects of stress.
Scheduling a consultation with AICA College Park can be extremely helpful in reducing a variety of painful symptoms, including chronic neck pain.
Controlled Neck Stretches
If performed correctly and on a regular basis, following through with controlled neck stretches can help loosen tight neck muscles, while also improving your range of motion.
Asking For Support
If you are experiencing a significant amount of stress on a regular basis, try asking your closest friends and family members for help. Be clear in your request for support and try to allow the people around you to take on some of the obligations that are causing you to feel overwhelmed.
Deep Tissue Massage
Receiving a deep tissue massage from AICA College Park can do wonders when it comes to relieving chronic stress and loosening up tight muscles.
Regular Exercise
Your College Park Chiropractor can offer specific exercises that are designed to relieve neck pain and reduce tension.
Create Realistic Exceptions
Most people who suffer from chronic stress lead complicated lifestyles, as far as the amount of obligations they attempt to manage.
Instead of trying to balance the weight of the world on your shoulders, focus on the things that are most important and will yield the greatest personal or professional return.
Visit AICA College Park For Complete Support
If you follow these recommendations and still suffer from stress-induced neck pain, call our office to schedule a consultation.
The Chiropractors at AICA College Park have served the greater community for over 20 years, helping thousands of people live healthy, happy lives.
We are available 24/7 and can be contacted through our online submission form or by calling us at (404) 592-0319.