If you are new to Chiropractic care, it’s important to go into your first appointment as an educated consumer so that you can make informed decisions about what’s best for your health.
College Park Chiropractic Treatment
If you suffer from chronic back pain, tissue damage, or a car accident injury, contact our College Park Chiropractors to schedule a free consultation or a complete examination. AICA College Park is open Monday through Sunday and can help you recover from your condition without relying on prescription medications or surgery.
Call our College Park clinic today – (404) 592-0319.
Questions To Ask Your College Park Chiropractor
If this will be your first time visiting our clinic or meeting with a Chiropractor in general, consider the following questions to ask. They will help you better understand what Chiropractic Treatment comprises of, as well as shape your expectations around recovering from your condition.
How Do Chiropractors Diagnose Pain?
Most Chiropractors perform a complete examination during the first appointment to determine where a patient’s pain is located, what’s causing the pain, and what type of treatment is most appropriate.
At AICA College Park, our Chiropractic clinic has a variety of imaging devices onsite that help us develop a comprehensive view of each patient’s condition. Using X-rays, Ultrasounds, and CT Scans, our College Park Chiropractors can create a 360-degree view of your injury, which helps them develop a custom treatment plan that aligns with the unique characteristics of each patient’s pain.
What Are Some Common Chiropractic Treatment Techniques?
There are a variety of techniques our Chiropractors use to treat chronic pain and accident injuries. Some of the more common techniques include:
- Chiropractic Adjustments
- Stabilization exercises
- Compression
- Deep tissue massage
- Traction
- Spinal Decompression
- Heat therapy
- Ultrasound
How Long Is Each Chiropractic Session?
Most of our patients visit our office for an hour at a time – although this varies based on each person’s needs.
Do You Work With Other Medical Practitioners?
Unlike other Chiropractic clinics in the community, AICA College Park has multiple medical specialists within one environment – allowing us to provide comprehensive care that helps our patients recover as quickly and safely as possible.
At AICA College Park, our staff includes Chiropractors, Orthopedic Doctors, Physical Therapists, and other disciplines.
How Long Will It Take To Recover?
The answer to this question depends on the results of your diagnosis. Each patient’s condition is unique based on personal characteristics such as family history and lifestyle.
However, our Chiropractors can offer you a variety of helpful tips and exercises that you can perform at home, which will help reduce your recovery time. From exercises and stretches to dietary adjustments, our College Park Chiropractors can give you the tools you need to help reduce inflammation, restore mobility to your system, and eliminate pain.
Contact AICA College Park Today For More Answers
Chiropractic care is a safe, painless alternative to traditional medicine that allows you to experience immediate pain relief, without exposing yourself to potentially addictive medications or invasive surgery.
If you have never been treated by a Chiropractor before, these questions will help you begin your experience positively – giving you an idea of what to expect and the type of treatments that may be recommended. You can speak with one of our College Park Chiropractors by scheduling a free consultation today.
Contact us through our online submission form or by calling us at (404) 592-0319.