At AICA College Park, we treat hundreds of patients each year who suffer from some cardiovascular disease.
In honor of February being National Heart Health Month, we would like to offer you many easy, practical ideas you can use to protect yourself from developing heart disease.
Cardiovascular Disease In The United States
Did you know that over 610,000 people die each year because of heart disease? Another 750,000 experience a heart attack.
Genetics and age are two contributing factors to heart disease but are not the absolute conclusion. There are many things you can control when it comes to regulating your body’s internal systems.
Try these five simple methods for reducing stress, stabilizing your heart rate, and ensuring a longer, healthier life.
Live Life To The Fullest
Studies show that men who suffer from depression are twice as likely to develop some form of heart disease.
In one study conducted by Duke University, researchers found that three months worth of antidepressants were just as effective for treating depression as daily exercise.
That’s why our doctors recommend exercising for at least 30 minutes each day. Going for a light jog, cycling through your neighborhood, or swimming a few laps at the gym are all great ways to get your daily dose of cardio exercise.
Invest In A Punching Bag
Researchers from Harvard University found that men who can channel their anger through physical activity can cut their risk of developing heart disease in half.
Throwing jabs at a punching bag, taking a karate class, or training at a cross fit gym are a few ways you can release some stress at the end of the work day.
Drink Plenty of Cranberry Juice
Drinking three 8-ounce glasses of cranberry juice each day can increase the cholesterol levels your body needs to regulate itself (HDL). In fact, this type of consumption has been proven to reduce the risk of developing heart disease by 40 percent.
Take Aspirin
Regular aspirin consumption has been proven to reduce the risk of developing Coronary heart disease by up to 28 percent in people who have never suffered a stroke or a heart attack.
To help stabilize high blood pressure, doctors recommend taking a low dose of aspirin right before bedtime.
Choose Stairs Over The Escalator
People who can walk an extra 4,000 to 5,000 steps each day are also able to lower their blood pressure by 11 full points, according to a study conducted by the University of Tennessee.