Chiropractic Care for Snapping Hip Syndrome

Dec 23, 2016

Snapping hip syndrome is described by the Chiropractors at AICA College Park as a recurring snapping/clicking of the hip that is audible during activity.

It can be heard during stretching, walking, running, or non-weight bearing movements as well.

It is most commonly seen in female athletes of all ages.

Understanding Snapping Hip Syndrome

There are four primary causes of this syndrome. The most common cause is the iliotibial band catching on the greater trochanter, followed by the iliopsoas rolling over bony bumps (prominences).

The iliotibial band that travels from the knee to the pelvis can snap over the greater trochanter, causing inflammation/irritation of the bursa (a bursa that reduces friction between the greater trochanter and the iliotibial band).

The second leading cause is inflammation of the iliopsoas tendon where it attaches to the hip. Similarly, the iliopsoas tendon may catch over a bony bump (iliopectineal eminence). The last two causes, which are rare, are when the biceps femoris tendon snaps on the ischial tuberosity or when a labral tear occurs.

Common Causes

Risk factors predisposing an athlete to snap hip syndrome may include limited hip/pelvis movement, muscular imbalances of the hips and pelvis, improper training or scar tissue overtraining.

Inflamed snapping can be painful, limiting activity and bringing exercise to a halt, though it is not uncommon to have painless, recurrent snapping after the condition has resolved.

It is best to address the condition straight away, preventing an inflammatory cycle which may lead to prolonged healing times and more scar tissue.

Chiropractic and massage therapy are interventions commonly used for treating snapping hip syndrome.

The Chiropractors at AICA College Park Can Provide Immediate Treatment

The Chiropractors at AICA College Park can diagnose, then treat this condition using Chiropractic Adjustments/manipulation, myofascial release, Graston treatment, ultrasound, cold laser, and manual therapies.

Treatment may include a home exercise plan to correct a muscular imbalance, stretch tight muscles, strengthen weak muscles, and correct any other functional concerns.


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